This training will help you define a purpose and need for action.
This training will teach you how to prepare programmatic NEPA Documents for future NEPA analysis.
This training will teach you Scoping Process Requirements.
This training will teach you proper scoping documentation requirements.
This training will teach you six steps to develop a defensible range of alternatives.
This training will teach you five key recommendations for integrating the best science into a NEPA analysis.
This training will teach you strategies for NEPA Contracting and developing Statements of Work.
This training will teach you the purposes, functions, content requirements, and sufficiency of EISs, EAs, and CATEXs.
In this training we will discuss connected actions in NEPA review.
This training provides an overview of how climate change is considered under the National Environmental Policy Act.
This training will provide you with guidance on how to determine if existing NEPA Analysis is Valid for a Proposed or Ongoing action.
Viewers will learn to analyze, disclose, and address environmental impacts in program-level NEPA documents, enhancing their understanding of regulatory requirements.
Participants will learn tools and techniques to overcome interdisciplinary disagreements in resource management.
This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to effectively plan and develop a schedule for environmental review.